Friday, August 19, 2011

Footprints on my heart...

Gina's grave marker was put in this week.  In some ways I think this makes it more real, but it is so good not to have just an empty spot of grass.  Now mind you, it is NEVER empty.  Someone always stops by and puts flowers or balloons.  I always leave Oreos for her.  That was "our" thing.  Every night she would come downstairs for "our" snack.  She would have 7 Oreos and I would have 5, no more- no less!  We would each dunk them in our glass of milk and discuss the day.  Those are the moments I miss most, the ordinary, everyday moments that you only realize were special later.  Of course, every day with Gina was special.  My son chose a wonderful girl that showed us all how a life should be spent - with love, laughter & smiles.  She will always be with us and has left footprints on my heart.  Love you G Girl....thank you.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What a sad day....

So hard to accept that 30 of our US Special Forces were killed in Afghanistan.  My heart goes out to their family and friends. My son Andrews friend is a SEAL.  Thank God he is safe.  They were roommates at VMI, Virginia Military Institute, which forms a special bond.  He just got engaged this week to one of Gina's friends.  I can't imagine the worry that his family must feels 24 hours a day.
My nephew, Christopher, is on the Iwo Jima and will be deploying right after Thanksgiving for 6 months.  I know and understand the worry and emptiness that my niece Holly, feels when he is gone. The families make a tremendous sacrifice as well as the Servicemen and Servicewomen.  They are forced to go through births, deaths, water heaters breaking, washing machines overflowing and daily chores that we take for granted, ALONE.  My niece is lucky as my sister and brother-in-law live close by as does her sister, my other niece Heather and her family.  She has a great support network but my heart breaks for those that are on their own. 
I think we all need to pause and give thanks to our Troops and their families for their sacrifice.  Our freedom should never be taken for granted, it comes at a VERY HIGH PRICE!  Thank you to you all.....
All my best,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Did you know....

Did you know that I believe children and men cause wrinkles....especially the big one between your eyes!  The one that takes the most amount of Botox, the Glabella Muscle.  They make use worry, frown and fret thus it is all their fault!  Just saying...but I thought you really might like to understand how wrinkles really are formed!

Collagen is created by fibroblasts, which are specialized skin cells located in the dermis. These fibroblasts also create elastin. The dermis is a layer of skin beneath the epidermis(outer layer) that consists of connective tissue, and cushions the body from stress and strain(aka men & children).  When the skin is wounded, fibroblasts help to repair the damaged tissue and assist in the process of forming new tissue.  Fibroblasts never completely lose their ability to create more collagen, the process just slows with age.

From the age of 11, we start to deplete our collagen levels.  As we age, we lose tightness in our skin, moisture, elasticity and suppleness.  Wrinkles appear as a consequence of weakening collagen fibers. Picture your fingers interlocking and then pull them apart....this is what happens with our collagen fibers as they wrinkle.  The thinner skin around our eyes are particularly prone to wrinkles as there is less collagen and elastin to begin with there.  Age is only one of the factors that contribute to collagen degradation, sun tanning & smoking are two big contributors.  Free radical damage effects collagen greatly! 

The body requires Vitamin C in order to make collagen.  An example of Vitamin C shortage and its effects on collagen are the old English sailors that suffered “scurvy”.  This deficiency caused a serious and painful disease in which defective collagen prevents the formation of strong connective tissue.      

There are many ways to promote the stimulation of collagen.  Two of top methods are Microdermabrasion and Peels.  Chemical peels break down the bonds between the cells of the Stratum Corneum which is the outer layer of the epidermis(your top layer of skin) and slough away the old dead skin.  It stimulates your body to produce more collagen and elastin .  This makes your skin thicker and stronger from the inside out! I happen to love Lactic Acid peels and do it to my skin once a week.  The collagen molecule is too large to be absorbed into the skin, don't believe those products that claim to put Collagen directly into your skin,. What we can use are topical products that will stimulate the collagen, among them Vitamin C and Vitamin A.   Microdermabrasion abrades the skin, enhancing the surface of the skin, but the process goes deeper into the skin, stimulating collagen and elastin growth.  The great upside to Microderm is that you look better instantly without any downtime!

All my best,

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Eastern End of Long Island

Sunday Mornings...

I think Sunday mornings in the summer are my favorites of the year. When the sun is shining, though not quite hot yet. The Cicadas are making their sounds that take me back to my childhood, waiting for them to shed their skin so we could claim their trophies left behind. The Doves are cooing on top of the house and all is right with the world for a few minutes.
I just watered my flowers and picked the ripe tomatoes, wishing my sister, Patti was here to help me make something edible with them. She is the BEST chef and would be a wonderful contestant in a cooking show, now if I can convince her of that!

Yesterday we went to the East end of Long Island. It is so beautiful out there with all the vineyards and sunflowers. We watched our son, Andrew, play Lacrosse for the first time in 4 years. I had forgotten how much I loved to watch him play. I miss those days of hurrying home from work to make it to a game. Their youth goes by so quickly.

I took pictures of a red Dragonfly, have you ever seen one? It stayed for pictures and landed on Art's hand. I researched it and it is called a Red-veined Darter. It was beautiful. I always wonder if it is someone I know in another form......

Well on to the rest of the day and chores.
Best to all,

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Did you know....

Did you know that it was Coco Chanel that started the "Tanning" trend? She returned from St. Tropez with a tanned face in 1923, that was probably when started to think of her skincare line too!! Nothing ages us faster than the sun. A suntan is the body's natural defense to the UV - Ultraviolet rays. An easy way to remember the difference in the UV rays: UVA - Aging and UVB is Burning. Your body's reaction to the sun is to produce more melanin to protect itself. Melanin is what gives our skin the darker color.
Now I am a natural redhead so I don't think I have a drop of Melanin in my body! I tried for years to get that beautiful tan that all my girlfriends had. I put on the baby oil mixed with iodine, which only made me burn faster! The only time I was somewhat tanned was when all of my freckles would run I use a self-tanner. I have found the St. Tropez brand to work the best for me.
We know now how dangerous those sunburns and suntans can be to our health. Nearly 60,000 Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year.
Every day you should put sunscreen on your skin, especially your face. Now I like to do it one step, so my moisturizer has an SPF of 30. SPF means Sun Protection Factor and the formula is Minutes to burn without sunscreen x SPF number = maximum sun exposure time. An SPF of 30 will let me stay in the sun: 10 minutes x 30SPF = 300 minutes. Do I want to stay in the sun for 5 hours, probably not! You need a "Broad Spectrum" SPF to protect you from the different UV rays. At the dreaded sun tanning salons you still receive the UVA rays which age your skin by breaking down the connective tissue. Once these connective tissues are broken they form a WRINKLE.....eeeekkkk! Well it goes on and on till we look like Magda, from "There's Something About Mary". Google her image and you will see what I am talking about!
So right now, I am putting on my sunscreen and heading out to the eastern end of Long Island to watch my son, Andrew who is 24, play lacrosse. My husband, Art and my son both have olive skin, so you can recognize me as the one under the umbrella wearing a hat!
All my best,

Friday, July 29, 2011

What I will be sharing....

I love skincare, so I will give you some of my best tips and gadgets that I LOVE. Here is one of my favorites, Clarisonic! Can't live without it! Exfoliates and cleanses at the same time. Now I keep mine in the shower and charge it once a week. Exfoliation is one of the best anti-aging treatments you can do for your skin. It removes the dead skin and lets your skin breathe. It is especially important if you are prone to breakouts. Your face will look and feel better!